Primary Duties:

1. “…to record all proceedings of the Lodge proper to be written…”

2. To work closely with the Worshipful Master, assisting him in the planning of the meetings and the laying out of his programme in advance for the year.

3. To be approachable, courteous and be able to work in harmony with the Worshipful Master and the other Officers of the Lodge.

4. Advise the Worshipful Master in advance, of all communications, of all correspondence and matters relating to the Lodge.

5. Shall keep a separate account for each member of the Lodge; and shall report at the Regular Communication in June and December, of each year, the amounts due by each. (Section 13 of Discovery Lodge By-Laws.)

6. To receive all monies due the Lodge and pay the same to the Treasurer taking his receipt therefore.

7. To have custody of the Lodge Seal.

8. To make an Annual Report of the Lodge business at the Regular Communication in February.

9. To be virtually a "strong right arm" to the Worshipful Master in the conduct of the business. Therefore, your regular attendance at all Communications is essentially necessary.

10. A thorough perusal of the suggested duties of a Lodge Secretary, as written in the " Lodge Officers Guide published by Grand Lodge, is necessary.

11. A working knowledge of the Book of Constitutions and the By-Laws of Discovery Lodge #149 is necessary.